
Executive Management

The Executive Management is vested with the day-to-day management of the Company. They are also entrusted with the implementation of the resolutions of the Board.


The Executive Management of the Company is composed of the Executive Vice-Chairman, the CEO and the CFO.


In particular, the Board has assigned the following missions to the Executive Management:

  • preparing strategic proposals for the Board;
  • preparing annual and strategic plans;
  • putting internal controls in place;
  • monitoring and managing the Company’s results and performance against strategic and financial plans;
  • preparing and presenting to the Board a timely, accurate, and reliable set of the Company’s draft financial statements, in accordance with the applicable accounting standards, and other material financial and non-financial information as well as the related press releases to be published by the Company;
  • providing the Board with a balanced and comprehensive assessment of the Company’s financial situation;
  • making recommendations to the Board with respect to matters within its competency;
  • reporting to the Board on the performance of the Company.