
Regulatory News


Commencement of Trading on Euronext Brussels and the Athens Stock Exchange and Reference Price.

Brussels, Belgium, 19 December 2016


The enclosed information constitutes inside information and is to be considered regulated information as defined in the Belgian Royal Decree of 14 November 2007 regarding the duties of issuers of financial instruments which have been admitted for trading on a regulated market.


On 14 December 2016, Cenergy Holdings SA, a Belgian public limited liability company, announced the completion of the cross-border merger by absorption by Cenergy Holdings SA of the Greek listed companies Corinth Pipeworks Holdings S.A. and Hellenic Cables S.A. Holdings Société Anonyme.


As contemplated by Cenergy Holdings SA in the prospectus relating to the admission to trading and listing of its shares on Euronext Brussels and the Athens Stock Exchange, the date of commencement of trading of its shares on such markets will be 21 December 2016.

Based on the closing prices of the shares of Corinth Pipeworks Holdings S.A. and Hellenic Cables S.A. Holdings Société Anonyme on the Athens Stock Exchange on 14 December 2016, i.e. their last trading date, the theoretical opening price of the shares of Cenergy Holdings SA on both Euronext Brussels and the Athens Stock Exchange will be EUR 0,61.


To view the prospectus relating to the admission to trading and listing of the shares of Cenergy Holdings SA on Euronext Brussels and the Athens Stock Exchange, please go to Cenergy Holdings SA’s website at


This announcement is not an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to acquire any securities. This announcement is not an advertisement and not a prospectus and investors should not purchase any securities referred to in this announcement except on the basis of information in the prospectus published by Cenergy Holdings SA in connection with the admission to trading and listing of all its shares on Euronext Brussels and the Athens Stock Exchange in the context of the cross-border merger by absorption by Cenergy Holdings SA of Corinth Pipeworks Holdings S.A. and Hellenic Cables S.A. Holdings Société Anonyme.

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