


Announcement for launch of share buyback program

Brussels, July 24, 2024



The enclosed information constitutes regulated information as defined in the Royal Decree of 14 November 2007 regarding the duties of issuers of financial instruments which have been admitted for trading on a regulated market.

Cenergy Holdings announces that, on July 23, 2024, the Board of Directors of Cenergy Holdings approved to proceed with a share buy-back program on Euronext Brussels and on Athens Stock Exchange of a maximum of 120,000 Company’s shares, to be acquired from time to time in one or several transactions, as required, and for a maximum aggregate amount of EUR 1.3 million, to be executed in the next six (6) months. The share buyback program will be implemented in accordance with industry best practices and in compliance with the applicable buyback rules and regulations. To this end, two independent financial intermediaries will be appointed to repurchase on the basis of a discretionary mandate. The precise timing of the repurchase of shares pursuant to the program will depend on a variety of factors including market conditions.

During the share buyback program, the Company will regularly publish press releases with updates on the progress made (if any) as required by law. This information will also be available on the Company’s website under the “Investors” section ( The Company’s current intention is to hold the shares acquired as treasury shares to allow for granting remuneration in shares on the basis of predetermined performance criteria, as is set out in the Company’s approved remuneration policy. The program will be executed under the powers granted at the General Meeting of Shareholders on 28 May 2024, and article 7bis of the Bylaws.

About Cenergy Holdings

Cenergy Holdings is a Belgian holding company listed on both Euronext Brussels and Athens Stock Exchange, investing in leading industrial companies, focusing on the growing global demand of energy transfer, renewables and data transmission.  The Cenergy Holdings portfolio consists of Corinth Pipeworks and Hellenic Cables, companies positioned at the forefront of their respective high growth sectors. Hellenic Cables is one of the largest cable producers in Europe, manufacturing power and telecom cables as well as submarine cables.  Corinth Pipeworks is a world leader in steel pipe manufacturing for the energy sector and major producer of steel hollow sections for the construction sector. For more information, please visit our website at

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